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Gaiarsa & Meyer is an Intellectual Property specialized firm, focused on protecting intangible assets of companies worldwide.
With more than
26 years of experience, we carry out various activities in this area, such as preparing, filing and following up patent applications, industrial designs, trademarks and software, among others.
The ethical principles and knowledge acquired throughout our history and from our dear Lucas Martins Gaiarsa (in memoriam) guide our work.


In memory of Lucas Martins Gaiarsa



Veronica Meyer Gaiarsa

Patents, trademarks, copyright, industrial designs and software - mechanical, electrical, programming and related areas

Graduated in Control and Automation Engineering, with a Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (project related to image analysis through programming) and programming experience, with industrial property courses in Brazil and abroad (Japan).

Veronica has worked in the area of technological innovation as a technical-scientific consultant / advisor for national and foreign companies, in the protection and defense of intangible assets in the consultative-strategic, administrative and legal spheres for more than 8 years, with emphasis in the areas of mechanics, civil electric, telecommunications, oil (oil platforms), toys, fixed buildings and transportation.

Her experience covers all patent application procedure, industrial designs, copyright, software in Brazil and abroad. She performs services that include writing and filing applications in Brazil and abroad, monitoring processes and controlling deadlines, preparing responses to requirements and technical opinions, as well as third party oppinions and oppositions. She has experience in consulting, patent and industrial design searches, drafting patentability opinions, freedom to operate, infringement, risk analysis, in addition to providing technical support in administrative and legal actions involving patents and industrial designs in various technical areas.

Member of the Regional Engineering Council (CREA), the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property Agents (ABAPI) and the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI).


Maria Beatriz CSM Gaiarsa

Patents, trademarks, industrial designs and software - civil, mechanical and related areas

Beatriz works in the area of technological innovation as a technical-scientific consultant / advisor for national and foreign companies, universities and research and development institutions, regarding the protection of inventions and designs, with an emphasis on the areas of mechanics, construction, physics, fixed buildings and transportation , for more than 26 years. She has extensive experience in drafting patent applications, filing and monitoring proceedings in Brazil and abroad.

Graduated in civil engineering, accounting and industrial property courses in Brazil. Industrial property agent and member of the Regional Engineering Council.


Laura Moral Tarifa

Patents - chemistry, mining, oil and related areas

Graduated in Chemical Engineering with more than 30 years of experience in all stages of implantation of industrial units.

Works in the area of ​​technological innovation as a technical-scientific consultant / advisor for national and foreign companies, universities and research and development institutions, in the areas that encompass the management of industrial units in the areas of chemistry and mining, infrastructure of off-site systems, oil refineries, oil pipeline systems, sterilization units, production units and incineration units.


Her professional life includes six years in Asia, living in Bangkok and Shanghai, where she was responsible for managing the environmental, quality, safety, health and occupational hygiene systems of six fiberglass production units, in China, Korea, India, Japan and Thailand.


Member of the Regional Engineering Council (CREA) and the Regional Chemistry Council (CRQ).

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